Carbon emissions contribute to climate change.
Reducing and preventing the harmful effects of climate change is a major global challenge. Progress in meeting this challenge depends on individuals, businesses, and governments taking prompt and effective action.
Touring Broadway shows, orchestras, ballets and other live entertainment productions travel millions of miles every year to bring quality entertainment to people across the USA and around the world. The trucks moving much of the equipment for these productions burn diesel fuel, emitting thousands of tons of carbon dioxide, a leading contributor to the climate crisis. Recognizing this, Clark Transfer President Norma Deull asked the Clark team to design a program to reduce these emissions where possible, and to “offset” the remaining carbon impact by funding alternative energy and conservation programs which prevent other emissions. Working with its fleet of independent Owner-Operators, Clark Transfer is engaged in an ongoing internal project including exploration and introduction of new technologies, education and incentives aimed at shrinking the “carbon footprint” of trucking live entertainment.
To deal with the remaining emissions, Clark Transfer conducted extensive research and consultations before selecting NativeEnergy, as the Touring Green program offset provider. NativeEnergy is a leading international provider of high-quality carbon offsets. Clark Transfer has identified a portfolio of specific projects offering short- and long-term offsets and, along with its own direct corporate contributions, is offering its customers the opportunity to participate in the program by purchasing these offsets from NativeEnergy.
The enthusiastic response of the live entertainment industry to the Touring Green program, as demonstrated by the impressive group of program participants, is very encouraging.